Storage Provider

The StorageProvider is a module that handles incoming queries for Asks and proposals for Deals from a StorageClient. It also tracks deals as they move through the deal flow, handling off chain actions during the negotiation phases of the deal and ultimately telling the StorageMarketActor to publish on chain. The StorageProvider's last action is to handoff a published deal for storage and sealing to the Storage Mining Subsystem. Note that any address registered as a StorageMarketParticipant with the StorageMarketActor can be used with the StorageClient. A single participant can be a client, provider, or both at the same time.

Because most of what a Storage Provider does is respond to actions initiated by a StorageClient, most of its public facing methods relate to getting current status on deals, as opposed to initiating new actions. However, a user of the StorageProvider module can update the current Ask for the provider.

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