VM Message - Actor Method Invocation

A message is the unit of communication between two actors, and thus the primitive cause of changes in state. A message combines:

  • a token amount to be transferred from the sender to the receiver, and

  • a method with parameters to be invoked on the receiver (optional/where applicable).

Actor code may send additional messages to other actors while processing a received message. Messages are processed synchronously, that is, an actor waits for a sent message to complete before resuming control.

The processing of a message consumes units of computation and storage, both of which are denominated in gas. A message's gas limit provides an upper bound on the computation required to process it. The sender of a message pays for the gas units consumed by a message's execution (including all nested messages) at a gas price they determine. A block producer chooses which messages to include in a block and is rewarded according to each message's gas price and consumption, forming a market.

Message syntax validation

A syntactically invalid message must not be transmitted, retained in a message pool, or included in a block. If an invalid message is received, it should be dropped and not propagated further.

When transmitted individually (before inclusion in a block), a message is packaged as SignedMessage, regardless of signature scheme used. A valid signed message has a total serialized size no greater than message.MessageMaxSize.

type SignedMessage struct {
    Message   Message
    Signature crypto.Signature

A syntactically valid UnsignedMessage:

  • has a well-formed, non-empty To address,

  • has a well-formed, non-empty From address,

  • has Value no less than zero and no greater than the total token supply (2e9 * 1e18), and

  • has non-negative GasPrice,

  • has GasLimit that is at least equal to the gas consumption associated with the message's serialized bytes,

  • has GasLimit that is no greater than the block gas limit network parameter.

type Message struct {
    // Version of this message (has to be non-negative)
    Version uint64

    // Address of the receiving actor.
    To   address.Address
    // Address of the sending actor.
    From address.Address

    CallSeqNum uint64

    // Value to transfer from sender's to receiver's balance.
    Value BigInt

    // GasPrice is a Gas-to-FIL cost
    GasPrice BigInt
    // Maximum Gas to be spent on the processing of this message
    GasLimit int64

    // Optional method to invoke on receiver, zero for a plain value transfer.
    Method abi.MethodNum
    //Serialized parameters to the method.
    Params []byte

There should be several functions able to extract information from the Message struct, such as the sender and recipient addresses, the value to be transferred, the required funds to execute the message and the CID of the message.

Given that Transaction Messages should eventually be included in a Block and added to the blockchain, the validity of the message should be checked with regard to the sender and the receiver of the message, the value (which should be non-negative and always smaller than the circulating supply), the gas price (which again should be non-negative) and the BlockGasLimit which should not be greater than the block's gas limit.

Message semantic validation

Semantic validation refers to validation requiring information outside of the message itself.

A semantically valid SignedMessage must carry a signature that verifies the payload as having been signed with the public key of the account actor identified by the From address. Note that when the From address is an ID-address, the public key must be looked up in the state of the sending account actor in the parent state identified by the block.

Note: the sending actor must exist in the parent state identified by the block that includes the message. This means that it is not valid for a single block to include a message that creates a new account actor and a message from that same actor. The first message from that actor must wait until a subsequent epoch. Message pools may exclude messages from an actor that is not yet present in the chain state.

There is no further semantic validation of a message that can cause a block including the message to be invalid. Every syntactically valid and correctly signed message can be included in a block and will produce a receipt from execution. The MessageReceipt sturct includes the following:

type MessageReceipt struct {
    ExitCode exitcode.ExitCode
    Return   []byte
    GasUsed  int64

However, a message may fail to execute to completion, in which case it will not trigger the desired state change.

The reason for this "no message semantic validation" policy is that the state that a message will be applied to cannot be known before the message is executed as part of a tipset. A block producer does not know whether another block will precede it in the tipset, thus altering the state to which the block's messages will apply from the declared parent state.

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